Wednesday, June 1, 2011

When you fall off the wagon...

Hi everyone! Just wanted to touch base and let you know how things are going for me. I've been reading the Bible everyday, which I'm really happy about. I read it on James' Kindle. I don't understand it all, but hey. At least I'm reading it. I'm pretty disappointed in myself physically, though. It appeared that I had lost two pounds [down to 146 from 148], but I gained it all back Monday and Tuesday. Monday was Memorial Day, and I went to two cookouts where I ate absolutely terrible. I'm glad I don't know how many calories I consumed, because I would probably be sick thinking of it. I did exercise, though! Tuesday I ate terribly, drank beer, and didn't exercise, which was totally unnecessary...just a poor choice on my part. And today [Wednesday] hasn't gotten off to a good start. I made fried chicken and biscuits Tuesday night, and I ate some of the leftovers this morning.

BUT I am going to turn it around, starting now. I'm going to exercise today, and eat much better for the remainder of the day. I'm going to continue it for the rest of the week. And next week, I'll do it again. I'm not going to beat myself up over the poor choices I made over the past couple of days...I'm just going to learn from it and move forward. That's all you can do.

Here's hoping next week's blog post will be much more positive!


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